Wondering what Casper Cross Roads Ministries has planned for the future?

Please review our 2021 - 2024 Strategic Plan below.

Strategic Plan

October 2021 – July 2024


The mission of CCRM remains steadfast. Our pillars of financial and nutritional support to the women remain strong. The prayer ministry, bible study and fellowship will continue weaving the grace and good news of Jesus into hearts broken by the world. And yet as a Board, we too have sensed a nudge to change. We believe God is calling us to do more. 


 Our Mission

To serve and build community with women transitioning from distressed situations by providing spiritual growth through Bible study, job skill acquisition, and nutritional sustenance through family style meals.  Seeing, hearing and experiencing the encouraging messages of Christ's love gives hope, strengthens confidence and fosters healthy independence.

Who We Serve

Casper Cross Roads Ministries serves Casper women transitioning from distressed situations.

Our Goals

2021 - 2024

1.       Our first and foremost goal is to continue to help women grow spiritually and provide hope in their transition.  Each session will continue to offer Bible Study and a family style meal to help support this goal.

2.       To give back to the community by participating in service projects at least three times per program year.

3.       To develop programs that would lead to greater confidence, employment, and stability for the women of our program.  We are proposing several stages for the skill acquisition program development.


Phase 1:  September 2021 – July 2022

o   Introduce skills training that is facilitated by the Cross Roads Ministries Director and volunteers.  This training will become the foundational curriculum that all women will complete. 

o   Continue analysis on future program offerings and resources available

o   Continued recruitment of participants and partnership with other service providers in the Casper area


Phase 2:  September 2022 – July 2023

o   New participants will complete the foundational course that is based on the 2021 curriculum. 

o   Women returning to the program will begin work on additional skills training or certificate program they identified during their skills assessment in their first year of participation.  Their program may be offered through Department of Vocational Rehab, Casper College, CLIMB or other training programs.  These women will continue to join the group for Bible study and meals but will do the majority of their “course-work” on their own time.  CCRM will continue to be a resource to these women by helping them find resources to succeed with their program and offer a space, with a computer, for them to study.


Phase 3:  September 2023 – July 2024

o   Similar to Phase 2, new participants will complete the foundation course.  At this point, we will have multiple “levels” of women in the program.  Some will be transitioning from the foundation curriculum to the program they identified in their skills assessment.  Others may be on their second year of certification or moving from additional skills training into a formal certificate program.



The program runs October through July with a September application deadline, but women may also join the program mid-year at the start of a Phase.  Women are considered for the program who are low income, unemployed (no job), underemployed (part-time), between jobs, below poverty level, disabled, applying for disability, or transitioning through comparable difficult situations.   In addition to the application, women will meet with the Casper Cross Roads Ministries Director for an interview.


Once we have met our funding requirements, the program will support 10 women who meet once a week.  Currently, five women are meeting twice a month for four hours.  Casper Cross Roads Ministries provides each participant $35 per session to provide financial assistance as they progress through the program.


·         Find volunteers to teach sessions

·         Additional information on resources available at Department Vocational Rehab, Casper College, CLIMB, etc.

·         Identify additional programs that could be “feeder programs” for Casper Cross Roads Ministries

·         Determine budget for 2022 and potential training costs associated with Phase 2 and 3

·         Create fundraising committee

·         Identify and apply for grants to cover training costs and materials (including computers)


2021-2022 Casper Cross Roads Ministries Program Curriculum


October 2021 - January 2022

·         Phone Etiquette (Customer Service)

·         Community Service (Vision Beyond Borders) Sept. 29th & Oct. 27th

·         Evaluation of strengths and weaknesses


February 2022 - April 2022

·         Financial Literacy/planning

·         Basic Computer Skills Windows 101

·         Time Management and Effective Study Habits

·         Evaluation of strengths and weaknesses


May 2022 - July 2022

·         Resume writing

·         Job Interview Practice/Tips

·         Nutrition and Menu Planning

·         Overall Evaluation